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Payments list

Listing all payments

To list all payments, it is necessary to make a GET request passing the defined parameters as follows:






The parameters for this request should be passed to the end-point via headers at the time of the request.

ParamsTypeDefault valuesDescription
apistringundefinedYour API Key.
secretstringundefinedYour secret.


curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'api: [API]' \
-H 'secret: [Secret]'

Server Responses:

Status 200:

Response Body:

"title": "string",
"description": "string",
"slug": "string",
"active": true,
"paymentMethodPix": {
"expiryTimeInMinutes": 0,
"enabled": true
"paymentMethodCrypto": {
"highlightTokens": ["string"],
"enabled": true,
"allTokens": true,
"expiryTimeInMinutes": 0
"logo": "string",
"createdAt": "2023-06-07T15:58:10.961Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-06-07T15:58:10.961Z",
"id": "string"
  • Title: It's Checkout's title, defined when the link is first created.
  • Description: Payment description.
  • Slug: Payment's alias (defined when the link is first created).
  • Active: Checkout's link status.
  • paymentMethodPix / expiryTimeInMinutes: Time in minutes for the QR Code's lifetime.
  • paymentMethodPix / enabled: Indicate the instances in which the PIX payment method is accessible for the ongoing payment process.
  • paymentMethodCrypto / highlightTokens: It's an Array of strings that contains all the symbols from the accepted cryptocurrencies for the ongoing payment.
  • paymentMethodCrypto / enabled: Indicate the instances in which the Crypto payment method is accessible for the ongoing payment process.
  • paymentMethodCrypto / allTokens: It will appear as true when all cryptocurrencies are accepted on the current payment.
  • paymentMethodCrypto / expiryTimeInMinutes: Time in minutes for the current's payment lifetime.
  • Logo: The URL of the payment's logo image.
  • CreatedAt: Payment creation date.
  • UpdatedAt: Payment update date.
  • Id: The ongoing payment ID.

Status 401:

Response Body:

"error": true

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