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Tokens listing

Retrieving a token list.

This end-point returns all the available tokens on a network when it's id is input on the URI.





curl -X 'GET' \
'{id}' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

Response Body

"symbol": "BNB",
"name": "BNB",
"decimals": 18,
"logoURI": "",
"networks": [
"id": 56,
"address": ""
"highlight": true
  • symbol: Token symbol (ex. BTC, ETH).
  • name: Token name.
  • decimals: Number of decimal places allowed by the token.
  • logoURI: This is the URI with the image logo of the token.
  • networks / id: The id of the blockchain that supports the listed token.
  • networks / address: Smartcontract address for the listed token.
  • highlight: When set to "true", the listed token is at the top of the negotiation list on that particular blockchain.

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