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Requesting a quote

To generate a quotation, it is necessary to provide the currency pair for the transaction, the amount and on which network the transaction will be executed if the quotation is carried out.





Request BODY:

"network": 56,
"from": "BRL",
"to": "WBNB",
"amount": 2500
  • network: The ID of the network (Blockchain) supporting the trading pair being quoted.
  • from: Quotation's base Token.
  • to: Token Quote Token.
  • amount: Transaction value.

Server Responses:

Status 200:


Response BODY:

"fromToken": {
"address": "",
"decimals": 2,
"logoURI": "",
"name": "Brazilian Real",
"symbol": "BRL"
"toToken": {
"address": "",
"symbol": "BNB",
"decimals": 18,
"name": "BNB",
"logoURI": ""
"toTokenAmount": "8251275588511292",
"fromTokenAmount": "1972141528764670400",
"estimatedGas": 0
  • fromToken / address: Base token Smartcontract address.

  • fromToken / decimais: Number of decimals used by the base token.

  • fromToken / logoURI: Token logo URL.

  • fromToken / name: Base token name.

  • fromToken / symbol: Base token symbol.

  • toToken / address: Quote token Smartcontract address.

  • toToken / symbol: Quote token symbol.

  • toToken / decimais: Number of decimals used by the Quote token.

  • toToken / name: Quote token name.

  • toToken / logoURI: Token logo URL.

  • toTokenAmount: Quantity of tokens being bought.

  • fromTokenAmount: Quantity of tokens being sold.

  • estimatedGas: Estimated transaction fee.

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